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Monday 19 March 2012



Brain Damage by Psychoactive Drugs: How the Victims Are Blamed
March 19, 2012 by admin in Featured, Pharmaceuticals

Psychoactive drugs are used to control symptoms in people defined by psychiatrists as depressed, schizophrenic, bipolar, or any of a huge and growing range of pseudo-mental disorders invented by a group of privileged people who vote to add conditions to the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM).

The methods by which these drugs work vary to some degree, but all of them operate by causing brain damage. It isn’t surprising that many—perhaps most—people who take these drugs develop movement disorders sooner or later.

Psychiatrists, along with many other doctors, claim that the use of psychoactive drugs is necessary to control symptoms of derangement. They’re so sure of it that they presume to pressure and force people, even children as young as two, to take them. When possible, they do not allow people to make their own decisions. In fact, refusing is often considered an indication of mental disorder. They even claim that debilitating movement disorders known to be caused by the drugs are inherent in the condition. They’re so sure of it that they don’t bother to distinguish between people who’ve been drugged for years and those who haven’t when they do their pseudo-science studies.

Please note that, from this point forward, the terms of psychiatry, such as schizophrenia, are used. It is for convenience, to help streamline the writing and make it easier to follow. It is not meant to indicate that these terms are accepted in the manner that psychiatry uses them.
Claims That Schizophrenics Are Born with Abnormal Physical Symptoms

A new study published in BioMed Central, ”Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia”(1), purports to show that the longer a person is schizophrenic, the worse their motor symptoms become. In the first paragraph of the “Background” section of the paper, they wrote:

    NSS are independent of the extrapyramidal adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs; i.e., they are not a result of the treatment [2,3], but a reflection of the basic neurobiology of the illness.

The references, [2,3](2,3), are to two prior studies that claim to show that neurological soft symptoms (NSS) are not caused by drugs, but are inherent in the condition. A look at those two studies shows that they are not primary research, but are meta studies. That is, they’re based on reviews of older research that may not have been set up to discover what the meta study is trying to show. That fact alone makes the two references highly suspect. Thus, the very basis of this study is questionable.

Aside from that, a clever little trick has been developed. A new term, neurological soft symptoms, is in use to indicate physical things observed by psychiatrists and researchers, but not demonstrably based in physical changes in the brain. That way, they manage to start discussing things like repetitive motion and lack of motion as potentially physically based, in spite of having no proof that it’s true.

One of the tests given to determine whether there are signs of NSS is to have the subject touch his thigh first with the fist, then the palm of the hand, and then the side of the hand. This is repeated and the subject is expected to do it both in order and rhythmically.

Imagine that you’re stressed by something traumatic or threatening in your life. How well will you be able to focus on such a pointless instruction? Just try it while you mentally focus on something else and see how well you do. Most of us won’t do as well on such a test when there are serious problems in our lives.

It’s been found that family members of people given psychiatric diagnoses are more likely to have these NSS symptoms. But isn’t it likely that family members will also be living with stressful conditions?

People failing this test can be defined as having a nonexistent disease called pre-schizophrenia. The purpose, of course, is to put them on psychoactive drugs, which will, ultimately cause brain damage that results in genuine movement disorders.
Conflating NSS with Drug-Induced Motor Symptoms

Studies have demonstrated that NSS symptoms worsen the longer a person is schizophrenic. Because most people diagnosed with schizophrenia are drugged, the studies on these people are consistently done on people who are drugged. That’s why it was so important to come up with the term NSS. Pseudo-physical symptoms were needed to conflate with real drug-induced ones indicative of brain damage.

Studies have clearly documented that the longer a person uses psychoactive drugs, the more likely—almost to the point of certainty—that the victims will develop brain damage that results in debilitating, deforming, and painful physical symptoms, such as tremors, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. Unlike the pseudo-symptoms, NSS, these have been shown to be associated with brain damage.

However, that’s bad publicity, so it’s important to give the impression that schizophrenics are doomed to suffer from that brain damage, with or without drugs. It is, though, rather difficult to find subjects who don’t take, and haven’t taken, such drugs. So they needed to find a stand-in. That’s where NSS comes into the picture.

Studies are now being done to demonstrate that NSS symptoms worsen the longer a person is schizophrenic. The purpose is to give the impression that it’s inherent in the disease.

Imagine that you suffer from brain damage that makes it impossible to fully control your body. That’s what tardive dyskinesia and tremors are: loss of control of physical movements. Under such conditions, what are the chances of being able to satisfactorily complete tests of NSS?

Yet, we’re supposed to accept the idea that NSS symptoms are inborn and a precursor to full-blown mental illness. The researchers behind “Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia” expect us to accept that taking antipsychotic drugs has nothing to do with worsening NSS—but they don’t even attempt to show it! Every subject was taking, and had previously been taking, antipsychotics.

NSSs are conflated with genuine movement disorders to give the impression that schizophrenia is a physical brain disease that should be treated with pharmaceutical drugs.
Genetic Predisposition

The upshot of all this is the idea that people with mental disorders are genetically defective. For the purpose of shoving drugs down people’s throats, they give schizophrenia or depression or bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder or opposition defiant disorder whatever other nonsensical pseudo diagnoses they think up next. It’s justified by claiming that these are brain diseases, that they’re physical disorders of the brain.

It’s never been shown to be true. That’s why they invented NSS, neurological soft symptoms. They serve to muddy the waters so that the impression of a physical disorder is given without ever having to prove it. NSS are conflated with real physical movement disorders.

Now they can show that, as the condition worsens—which schizophrenia invariably does when people are given psychoactive drugs—the physical symptoms worsen, too. But, because they’ve shown that NSS pre-existed the onset of schizophrenia, they give the impression that these symptoms indicate that the natural course of schizophrenia is to grow worse.

And all of that is because of genetics. People who are schizophrenic—or depressed or bipolar or any other label modern psychiatry chooses to use—aren’t simply people who are stressed or finding creative ways to deal with problems or functioning in a destructive society. No, people to whom the psychiatrists give labels were born to get them.

The victims of psychiatric labeling have their own genetic makeup to blame. It’s even been taken to the point of claiming that people who suffer from schizophrenia also suffer the drug-induced brain damage because they carry a defective gene. A study titled “Non-functional CYP2D6 alleles and risk for neuroleptic-induced movement disorders in schizophrenic patients”(4) is about this claim. The abstract states:

    Approximately 5–10% of European Caucasians lack the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP2D6 (so-called poor metabolizers; PM), which normally metabolizes several drugs including many neuroleptics. PM subjects may achieve high or toxic plasma levels upon standard drug therapy.

The authors are using the term “normal” to refer to metabolization of drugs, which are chemicals that have no place in metabolism! They are claiming that it is a defect for anyone to be unable to “properly” metabolize a pharmaceutical drug. This is nonsense of the highest order.

The implication, of course, is that no one other than people with a genetic defect would be harmed by psychoactive drugs. In fact, by their logic, only people whom they believe need them are harmed by them. How’s that for reasoning ability?
Psychiatry: An Inherently Fraudulent Field

The twisted thinking that’s required to accept modern psychiatric treatments gets stranger and weirder. Psychiatry’s basic assumption is simply not true. The claim that mental illness is a result of brain dysfunction, that it’s a brain disease or disorder, has no basis in reality.

Attempts to support that idea start with the invention of mental disorders based on popular vote of a select few psychiatrists, the great majority of whom have ties to the pharmaceutical corporations that benefit from sales of the drugs prescribed for those nonexistent diseases.

To accept the games played to give a veneer of science to modern psychiatry reveals either completely foolishness or utter hubris of the profession:

    New studies, like “Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia” must be based on demonstrably false studies, as shown above.
    Concepts with a semblance of truth, like NSS, are conflated with utterly false ones, such as the idea that schizophrenic patients would develop the same horrific adverse effects with or without prescribed drugs.
    Utterly absurd claims that genetic predisposition, even the crazy idea that a gene making someone unable to metabolize drugs is an inherent flaw, are presented as the cause of psychiatric disorders or the adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

A research effort to prove these inherently false claims of psychiatry has been launched, and the deeper they get into it, the deeper the hole they dig. But it never gets deep enough to hide all the manure they pour into it.

    (1)Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia
    (2)Motor deficits and SChizophrenia: the evidence from neuroleptic-naive patients and populations at risk
    (4)Non-functional CYP2D6 alleles and risk for neuroleptic-induced movement disorders in schizophrenic patients

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